It's back to school time- that means increased exposure to cold, no matter who you are. If you have kids in school, they will be coming home with homework, drama, and all the little bugs they picked up along the way. If you don't have children in school, you will also be exposed- at the mall, at the supermarket, you name it.
What can you do about it? Proper diet and exercise is proven to help with immunity, but there are some supplements you might also want to consider:
Vitamin D- There have been many studies recently touting the many benefits of supplementation with vitamin D. Taking 500-1,000 IU per day can help boost your immunity. You can get Vitamin D from sun exposure, but many people are deficient- residents of Arizona have among the lowest levels of Vitamin D. Why? The sun is out there and blazing, but people are staying inside, or are covering up with sunscreen and layers of clothing due to risk of skin cancer.
Probiotics- 80% of your immunity comes from a healthy intestinal tract. Taking a daily probiotic can help maintain that gut health by lining the intestines with beneficial bacteria- and by not leaving any space for bacteria which might bring illness or damage. Yogurt and kombucha are great sources of probiotics, but not in the amount you'll get from a probiotic supplement. You'll want to find a supplement with multiple strains for the best protection.
Fish oil- It's been known for a while that fish oil is anti-inflammatory, but more recent studies have shown that oil high in EPA and DHA enhance which blood cell activity, boosting the immune system. As a bonus, the oils help with brain developement in young children.
Multivitamin- In a perfect world, we would get all of our nutrients from food. These days, fruits and vegetables are picked before they are ripe, endure long travel, and therefore have somewhat reduced benefits. Supporting your local farm economy by participating in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) can help maximize the nutrients on your plate. Taking a multivitamin is like insurance for your diet- it just helps cover your bases.
Enjoy the weather while you can- and eat your veggies!
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