The first real blog is serious business. It should be something that will draw you in, inform you, and leave you wanting more. There are plenty of controversies in the nutrition world- GMOs, BPA, and other three-letter acronyms (or sometimes longer, like MTHFR). Lots to discuss. But I'm going to start out with something that is the basis of my phood-philosophy. Toddler food is a conspiracy. There is no such thing. Once a healthy and developmentally on-target child has incorporated a variety of different foods into the diet, it should look like an adult's diet. The bites are smaller and sometimes maybe a little mushier, but in general, it should have the same components as the parents' diet.
There is a catch to this. Since the child's diet will mirror the parents', and since the child will want to eat what the parents are eating, that may mean that the parents' diet should be cleaned up a little bit. Many parents are more concerned with what their children are eating than with what they are putting in their own bodies. For example, many parents will be concerned to only feed their children organic foods, but they don't necessarily value organic components in their own meals. Marinate in that thought for a second. Do you need to spend a little more time contemplating your own diet? Maybe the truth is that your diet should mirror that of your kids'.
There is a sign outside of my local Whole Foods that says "Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love". I like that.
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